Saturday, August 29, 2009

From Denali to Fairbanks

Friday, Aug. 28, Day 4 of our tour, we traveled into the heart of Alaska to Fairbanks, where we enjoyed lunch at the historic Pump House restaurant on the banks of the Chena River and also stop at the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline.

A fish wheel in Nenana, Alaska. Nenana is a small native village.

Sandhill Cranes flying overhead in Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug. 28, 2009.

Sandhill Cranes and Canada Geese in a field near our hotel in Fairbanks, Alaska.  There were thousands of geese and cranes in the Fairbanks area.  All were very approachable.

A path in the woods near the field where the cranes and geese were feeding and resting.

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