Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 10, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009 - Whitehorse to Tok

Today we returned to Alaska traveling through the rugged mountains of KLUANE NATIONAL PARK, home to 19,625-foot Mount Logan, Canada’s highest peak. We then continued on the Alaska Highway to Tok, Alaska, the “Dog Sled Capital of the World.”

The AlCan "Alaska" Highway

One of the original bridges of the Alaska Highway.

Some Dall Sheep on a mountainside along the Alaska Highway.

Another view of the Alaska Highway.

Dead trees as a result of forest fire along the Alaska Highway.  All throughout Alaska and the Yukon there were hundreds of square kilometers/miles of burnt forests - evidence of very large forest fires over the years.

These were the first Moose we saw on our Alaska/Yukon adventure.

Michelle and Ted at the Alaska/Yukon border, along the Alaska Highway.

The gang at the Alaska/Yukon border.

Ted and Michelle

Wooden Caribou at the Tetlin Passage, Alaska.

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